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Madeline Nathe, MS, RD

What is your current position of employment?

 -- I am a culinary dietitian at University of Richmond where I teach cooking classes, work with students, employees, and student athletes for nutrition counseling, and also work on menus for our retail locations on campus. I also adjunct teach a nutrition course in our Health Studies department.


What inspired you to join the field of dietetics?

 -- I didn't know what a dietitian was until I got to college. I was planning on going pre-med but one of my teammates on my college cross country team was studying nutrition and asked me if I had heard of it before after her and I were bonding over recipes and our favorite local restaurants. I went to Saint Louis University and got lucky that they had a great nutrition program even though that was not the original plan! I was able to have a culinary emphasis in undergrad so all of my elective classes were culinary courses. It was the best!


What is the best thing about being part of VAND?

-- I like the opportunities to stay up to date on new topics and interesting CEU's. Even if they aren't always related to my field exactly, it's still nice to learn about other aspects of nutrition. I also think it's important to connect with other folks in the field too.


Tell us something surprising about yourself!

-- I am a huge crafter, I love to knit, crochet, and am teaching myself how to sew. Following a knitting pattern is sort of like following a recipe and the reward at the end is a fun sweater or garment. It's a great way to relax and connect to my creative side too.


What are your favorite things to do outside of work?

-- I love to run, go to out to eat to restaurants in RVA, travel, and craft!


What is your most exciting event planned for 2025?

-- After a busy 2024 with travels including London, and NYC, 2025 will be a little more low key and we are planning a trip to New Zealand in 2026. The big event for 2025 is training for and running the Richmond Marathon in November!

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